Welcome Yapping ↓ to bottom ↓

yo welcome

here i will teach u stuff bout cpu's

even if u know a lot already, im sure there is a lot u can still learn

all u need is an internet connection, a computer(phones dont rlly cut it), this website and ur brain

a few things u might learn:

how cpu's work

why cpu's work that way

and how to design and make your own cpu (virtually on a website but otherwise yes im serious, all the way down to transistors)

a few things i want to get out of the way first

this will be prob be quite challenging, this is very complex stuff that does very complex things and its a lot to wrap your head around

u have to kinda be interested in this to keep being motivated to learn as this took me over a month to properly understand full comprehend every small thing

this will take a very long time, but trust me, i have learned soooooooo much and i bet u will 2

but will alat out of the way

if u want to start go to Begining page in the nav at the top and u can begin to start learning how a cpu actually works

a lot of yapping (its hidden, unless ur bothered to find it)